1) In 2016, researchers Ruch, Zust and Henke studied the effect of subliminal messaging on our decision making. In fact, they found that to an extent, it does have an effect on our behaviors! To read more press the button below (Ruch, Zust, & Henke, 2016) .
2) NEURALINK: Elon Musk and other researchers have been working on implantable brain-machine interfaces to help patients with neurological problems including seizures, pain, memory loss, anxiety, depression, brain or spine damage, and more. To learn about their journey and current update, press the button below!
3) For years we have heard the stereotype that men thrive in STEM-related fields more than women, and that women aren't as good at math. Well, thankfully this is being disproved day after day, and to prove its absurdity, Alyssa J. Kersey, Kelsey D. Csumitta & Jessica F. Cantlon performed a study in 2019 comparing the brains of males and females while working on mathematical tasks. Results showed that their brains are extremely similar, showing that there are more similarities than differences. To read more about their groundbreaking research study, press the link below!
4) Have you ever asked yourself why you get goosebumps? What is the scientific reason for it? Well, new research has suggested that when one is cold, the muscles that contract to cause goosebumps, also activate the stem cells that generate hair growth! To read more about this, press the link below.
5) Genetically Modified Organisms: If you'd like to learn more about Genetically Modified Organisms, how it works and some of the groundbreaking findings and research, press on the button below!