-Jerome Kim's "The trials, tribulations and timeline of COVID-19 Vaccine"
-Since we are currently experiencing the COVID-19 pandemic, this article of FAQs and basics is very interesting and important. It explains what COVID-19 is, some of the symptoms and exceptions, ways of transmission, and more. All of the information is backed up by research as well. Check it out if interested!
-As was reported on the news, Beirut recently went through a massive explosion that rocked the city and destroyed thousands of homes. It was caused by ammonium nitrate stored in the Beirut Port. We have all been asking the questions, "what is ammonium nitrate? how does it work? any health risks?". To know more about the explosion and the damage it caused, press the link below.
-A new method to test for COVID-19 has been circulating after a Lebanese and French research team found that dogs can detect the virus by scent in human sweat, urine, or saliva. There have been cases of false-positive and even false negatives, but it is still a step towards revolutionary findings. This can be very helpful in airports and other public areas. To learn more about this research, read the article below:
-Links to practice quizzes on the scientific method:
(If there is anything you feel you are unfamiliar with or need extra practice on, make sure to email me using the email on the about page, or read the given explanation on the quiz website!)